Friday, December 16, 2005

"Uncommon Grounds" by Sandra Balzo

Book Description
Patricia Harper is dead, killed in Uncommon Grounds, her gourmet coffee store. Maggy Thorsen wants to know who killed one of her partners. She joins forces with Sarah Kingstown, Particia's closet friend to investigate the killing. Together, they uncover unsavory samll-town politics, bribes, kickbacks, and rampant infidelity. Before she's through, Maggie's sense of right and wrong will be shaken to its foundations. For once in her life she is forced to draw her own line in the sand, and be prepared to defend it.

My thoughts
I loved this book. It was funny and kept me engrossed. The ending was a real twist, and I honestly did not guess who it was until I got near the end.

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