Monday, March 06, 2006

"Anyone But You" by Jennifer Crusie

Download Description
Nina Askew has always wanted a puppy, but her ex-husband had always refused. Following her divorce and facing her fortieth birthday, she heads to the pound in search of a cute, cuddly, perky puppy to cheer her up. But instead she is drawn toward an older, midsized, seemingly depressed mutt - too big for her apartment, too melancholy for her state of mind, but she can't help but adopt him anyway. With Fred now in her life, everything seems to change - her priorities, her attitude and, unexpectedly, her love life when Fred brings Nina's much younger neighbor, Alex, into the picture. Despite all the waving red flags, Nina allows herself to consider the possibility that maybe somehow he'd miraculously be interested in an older woman with a depressed dog.

My Thoughts:
Boy, I just loved this book! After reading "Night" I needed a nice light and funny read, and this book fit the bill perfectly. I totally fell in love with Fred, right along with Nina. The ending is wonderful and the book pulled at all of my emotions. I have even become a Cherry!!! LOL

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